簡単なんだ 相対論理 いつだって後戻りできるの 散々だった実像なんか これっぽっちも顔を見せやしない Just look up to make sure that I want to know what as long as I hope And here is a starting place which I found out I want to go to the place I've never been to It's only make me fun 難解そうだ 後退、心理 単純な一言じゃ済まない 想像なんて脳内麻薬 健全な僕には不釣合いで ただ追いかけるのに疲れたよ まだ僕の前で舌を 出して笑ってんだろ Just look up to make sure that I want to know what as long as I hope And here is a starting place which I found out I want to go to the place I've never been to It's only make me fun