近ごろわたし なんだか調子イイ So, I'll post my selfie, why not フィルターいい感じ 世界思い通り But, There is no point without you More "LIKE", I need you Waaaa Uhhhh Waaaa Uhhhh Waaaa Uhhhh Waaaa Uhhhh Don't we all? あたり前でしょ? Someone's "LIKE" will cheer me up When did I get like this? Don't we all? やめられない Does it end? oh, How nice if I could end it now 近頃わたし あんまり良くないし But, I have to post my selfie スルーしないでね 邪魔もしないでね だって、 I post and people like it I can't stop it Waaaa Uhhhh Waaaa Uhhhh Waaaa Uhhhh Waaaa Uhhhh Don't we all? Why share it all? Someone's "LIKE" will cheer me up When did I get like this? Don't we all? やめられない Let it go I can already "LIKE" myself