ウー ホッ The game is starting now You better be ready for this ウー ホッ Choose Player1 and start How you feeling right now? Let me know what your odds are What's your secret tactic to winning? For sure? Must be boring to keep on losing Want to know the secret to winning? Do you know? Fresh start, OK My time begins here! Give me, one more I'm a winner and a loser Fresh start, OK I'm ready to rejoice Give me, one more You haven't seen the best of me yet Let's Go Let's Go ウー ホッ Round two has just begun If you stop, that's the end ウー ホッ The game is still ongoing Don't you better give up Do you really wanna win? Losing is where it starts, right? For sure Just get up and retry again That's the only way to win, over Do you know? Fresh start, OK My time begins here! Give me, one more I'm a winner and a loser Fresh start, OK I'm ready to rejoice Give me, one more You haven't seen the best of me yet Let's Go Let's Go