Let me hear your soul This society that breaks your middle finger But to prove you're alive, stick up your pointer and pinky fingers No way out 言いたいことも言えないこんな 世の中 No way out 毒も吐けずに溜め込んで腐敗する 精神 I can't take this anymore 欲望のままに I can't take this anymore Get all your poison out Every day the same thing over and over again There must be something only you can do There must be a place that needs you Like a light in the darkness Burning soul till die 冷たい水の中生きて行く 命尽きるまで どんな苦しくても辛くても今を 生きるしかない Burn and become a diamond Untill you die Burning your soul Act as you desire If you don't cherish the present, there is no tomorrow for you Cherish the moment, now let's speak up! 理想の世界を想像してみて You can be anything You are going toward a goal that you don't see, and it is scary and you are not sure if you will reach it but you have to take the first step everyone can take just one step Burning soul till die 冷たい水の中生きて行く 命尽きるまで どんな苦しくても辛くても今を 生きるしかない Burn and become a diamond Burning soul till die 冷たい水の中生きて行く 命尽きるまで どんな苦しくても辛くても今を 生きるしかない Burn and become a diamond Untill you die Burning your soul 灰になるまで心を燃やして 鼓動が止まるまで決して終わらない Endless story