閉ざされた心 満ち欠けた世界 不条理な正義は誰が決めた? No one knows where the wind goes...ah I know there is no future beyond giving up, so go on before you fall down, fall down. その喉を切り裂いて 涙が落ちる前に 途方もない未来でも 感情を断ち切って 儚い光だってやり直せる 過ちでも 滴る赤い血 銀翼折れて 混ざり合うように 地上に消えた No one knows where the bird goes...ah I know there is no future beyond giving up, so go on before we fall down, fall down. この胸を切り裂いて 燃え尽きるその前に 幾千年繰り返した 絶え間ない争いに 終焉の鐘が鳴る 失った声 聞こえるか If I were you and you were me, surely the future would be the same. This is ridiculous! If I were you and you were me... 抗えない罪 息ができない ADAM and EVE This is the final answer Oh my destiny ADAM and EVE その喉を切り裂いて 涙が落ちる前に 途方もない未来でも 感情を断ち切って 儚い光だって やり直せる 過ちでも