終焉の鐘が響き渡る 運命の瞬間が近づく 裁きの時が今訪れる 光と闇が交差する場所 The bell of fate echoes through the night The moment of judgment is within sight As the time of reckoning draws near Where light and darkness both appear 絶対の審判に立ち向かう 揺るぎない心、今燃やして Facing the judgment, standing tall With an unwavering heart, we give our all 試練の道を歩む者たち 過去の影に怯えず進む 未来の光を掴むために 運命の輪廻を断ち切る Walking the path of trials, we tread Unafraid of shadows from the past To seize the light of the future ahead Breaking the cycle, free at last 絶対の審判に立ち向かう 揺るぎない心、今燃やして Facing the judgment, standing tall With an unwavering heart, we give our all 運命の波に逆らって 新たな力が目覚める Defying the waves of destiny A new power awakens within me 真実の剣を手にして 光の道を突き進む Holding the sword of truth so bright We forge ahead into the light 絶対の審判に立ち向かう 揺るぎない心、今燃やして Facing the judgment, standing tall With an unwavering heart, we give our all 審判の後に見える未来 新たな時代が始まる Beyond the judgment, a future to see A new era begins, for you and me