One two three In fact, a dark hat, (hung alone?) Looks like a well behaved black hole (caught?) correct what must be a very serious (wall?) Some delicious picture of the human yoke Can't climb to close (the chill?) Lost yourself The sky's quick There's you Walking to The lonely chess Of a full Winning you Of a full With a great Deal of And a whole Lot of (cock?) Right below The skylight There is a boy Finding his Eyes closed And a rather (He knows?) A lot of sun And he Can't seem To explain Why he's Growing up Into His scary Can't seem His best With a man Your eyes Jumps in Stabs you But your Catching light Stabs you Stands better And besides Slapping me His verse Your eyes Are off Letting you Can't keep staring Someone Named from A soft Sparkling A clock Eaten But me Stiff fruit Of a Photo Cut off