The leading nightmare had his eyes capped off. This is no joke. He can see himself at fifty, and that's not psychic. He's home. Like a large a large dollar of gray gray-black tar in plain water water of heck you sink you still sinked x2 Which you know can only mean one thing Which you know can only mean one thing (x2) And welcome to no gamble grind. What seems. Middle Class. And above. Take this antidote if you're feeling like you were or are about to cry' Like you were or about to cry Autograph on the back of the In merch booth steal your stock (x2) Ask him for that autograph of the Give me an A Ask him for that autograph of the Give me an R Ask him for that autograph of the Give me an A Asking for that Give me an R In All lines going n' gone. (x3) All rise that you're luckless this once. What deems, middle class. Middle class, and above. (x3)