

  まるで夏の日のような 六月の午後に 作業の手をやすめて 軽く肩を回して 自分の肩を自分で揉んで 窓から見える雲を眺め ふと若い頃の記憶がよみがえる やってる仕事に意味を感じず 適当に毎日を過ごしてた自分 突然彼女に別れを切り出され 何が起きているのか戸惑う自分 指示を無視して怒鳴られて 停職を言渡されている自分 みんなこんな青空の雲の下で 起きてた出来事のように思える 取り返しのつかない そんな事をしてしまった 償いきれないような そんな事をやらかしてしまった 自分一人では どうにも解決できなかった事柄達 あの頃はずいぶんへこんで 立ち上がれる気がしなかった それでも今こうして 青空の雲を見上げていると そんなあの頃の自分が 愛おしく微笑ましく思える あの頃はあの頃の自分なりに 自分は本気で正しいと思ってた 今考えれば ホント馬鹿なんだけれどさ 今想えば 愛おしく微笑ましく思えてくる まるで夏の日のような六月の午後に    Lovely and heartwarming On a June afternoon that feels like a summer day I take a break from work and gently roll my shoulders, massaging them I look out the window at the clouds and suddenly memories of my younger days come back to me I spent my days doing whatever I wanted, without feeling any meaning in the work I was doing My girlfriend suddenly broke up with me, and I was confused as to what was going on I was yelled at for ignoring instructions and being suspended It all seems like something that happened under the clouds of this blue sky I would never do something like that that would be irreversible I've done things that I can't make up for. Things that I couldn't solve on my own. Back then I was really depressed and didn't feel like I could get back up. But now, as I look up at the clouds in the blue sky, I can't help but feel fond and happy about that time. Back then, I honestly thought I was right. When I think about it now, I was really stupid. When I think about it now, I can't help but feel fond and happy about it. On a June afternoon that felt like a summer day.