

  72歳になる STING の新曲がとてもクールで 若い頃のソプラノな美しい声ではない ないのだけれど それを逆手に取るようなロック MV で魅せる 3人ユニットのセンターで 堂々とベースをつま弾く姿はほんとうカッコいい! Even when I thought I was alone, the people around me were actually reaching out to help me. I was just being stubborn. There must have been more to that rice ball than just kelp. I was desperately trying to come up with a model answer that was convenient for me, even though there was no right answer. I was unconsciously lamenting that this society and the world around me was not convenient for me. I imagined a fantastic ideal world that was convenient for me, and sighed when I compared it to reality. Looking back now, I only had 0 or 100. There was only black or white. There was only friend or foe. I could only see everything from my own narrow perspective. Everyone has their own environment, position, culture, and history. There are as many forms of happiness as there are stars, but the level of happiness is determined by the amount of annual income. I was drilled with this idea by commercials, and I was like, "Chronicle" I never thought about it I didn't even realize that the era my parents raised me in was completely different from the era we live in now I get depressed when I compare myself to the adults of that time I only hang out with people my age, so reality is even more distant I'm so convinced I'm right I don't notice my own distortions or discrepancies Ah, remember the taste of that rice ball Use stress as a springboard to move forward Turn even sadness into a good memory     一人で孤独だと思っていた時も ほんとうは周りの人は 手を差し伸べてくれてたんだ 意固地に意地を張っていただけ あのおにぎりには 昆布だけじゃなくて 愛情も入っていたはずなんだよ 正解なんて無い事柄に 必死で自分に都合の良い 模範解答を出そうとしてた 無意識にこの社会や周りが 自分に都合の良い 世界でないことを嘆いていた 自分に都合の良い ファンタスティックな 理想の世界を想像し 現実と比べては溜息を吐く 今 思い返せば 僕には0か100しか無かった 黒か白かしか無かった 敵か味方かしか無かった 自分の狭い視点でしか 何もかもを見ることができない 誰もに そこには環境や立場 文化や歴史があるはず 星の数ほど幸せの形はあるのに 幸せのレベルは年収の高さで決まる そんな考えをコマーシャルに擦り込まれて クロニカルなんて まるで考えることなどなかったから 親が自分を育ててくれた時代と 今のこの時代はまったく違うなんて そんなことにも気がつかずに あの頃の大人たちと自分を比べて落ち込む 同年代としかつるまないから よけいにリアルは遠ざかる 自分は正しいと思い込みすぎて 自分の歪みやズレに気づかない あゝ あの時のおにぎりの味を思い出せ ストレスをバネに前に進もう 悲しみすら良い想い出に変えてさ  