

  Let's calm down the negative thoughts that have gotten a little excited just now. Sometimes when I'm not feeling well I feel like this...   “I want to go home” I go to the hospital twice a month I get on the bus and head to the hospital Every time I go, I get an X-ray, an ultrasound, a blood test, and a urine test I sit in the waiting room, waiting for the test results to come out The doctor compares it to the last time and watches the progress so far on the monitor Changes the seating limit for meals and the amount of fluid intake Increases and decreases the amount of medication Proposes and explains new medication This and that Finally, the implanted medical equipment is inspected to break through the fat in my stomach and administer medication and drain the fluid It's okay, I'm still okay On the way back, I'll get off the bus and go to a conveyor belt sushi restaurant I go down the river and leisurely look at the sea as I return to my apartment where my parakeet Piro is waiting for me I've taken precautions against the cold It's okay, I'm sure it's okay On the day I go to the hospital, I take a break from work Take a nice bath Get in bed in a warm room Ah, I hope I have good dreams... “ 帰りたい ” 月に二回ほどある通院 バスに乗って病院へと向かう 毎回レントゲンにエコー 血液検査に検尿を取られ 待合室でぼーっと 検査結果が出るまで待たされる 先生が前回との比較と 今までの流れをモニターで見ながら 食事の席限度 摂取水分量の設定を変更 薬を増やしたり減らしたり 新たな薬の提案と説明 あーでもない こーでもない 最後にお腹の肉を突き破り 投薬や廃液をするために 埋め込まれた医療器具の点検 大丈夫 まだ大丈夫 帰りはバスを途中下車して 回転寿司屋にでも行こう 川を下って 海をのんびり見ながら インコのピロの待つアパートへ帰る 寒さ対策はしてきたから 大丈夫 きっと大丈夫 通院の日は作業はお休み ゆっくり風呂に入って あたたかくした部屋で ベッドに入って あゝ 良い夢が見られますように…    