Stravinsky: Petrushka, K12 (1911 Version): IIIa. The Moor's Room – IIIb. Dance of the Ballerina

  • 1993.01.01
  • 3:39


Shortly before Pittsburgh the tires came off But we kept pouring down the interstate Heading west and slightly north And by the time we pulled into Cleveland And skidded to a stop It was noon and very cold And we fell out of the van Smelling smoke from the fenders Which were twisted and scraped And we were just in time Just barely in time For another interview We just passed some factory That makes a billion Eiffel Towers a day And at the end of every day they melt 'em down So they can do it again the next day They're been doing it since the 30's And someone in the Carter administration Tried to get 'em to stop But they said well, what if there's a war Imagine our advantage If on a moment's notice We could drop a billion Eiffel Towers On some unusupecting country Like Thailand And, oh, what a trip What a journey Tige plays bass all day Jarrod just wants to sleep Wil gets thinner every day Tom's in Vietnam Martha makes love and coffee Both of them quite strong And I just wish I could make all of 'em happy We started piling Wal-Marts on top of the van We had sixteen Wal-Marts piled up like flatbeds Till some cop said something's wrong And pulled us over for questioning Every day I seem to fire Three more poeple And every time I do Eleven more show up I can't fire 'em fast enough If right now I fired everyone I knew I'd have six million employees by Christmas Six million And there's structural damage In the building where we're staying Some crack or some leak And my dreams are telling me Get out before the whole bloody thing comes down We've abandoned eating health food We've abandoned taking showers We've abandoned changing clothes In exchange for three Big Macs a day And a card game that technically don't end For five million years Our phone cards are dead There's crap on all the windows We can't get any word to the outside world Our families have forgot we ever existed And here I sit in my little paper room And everything is fraught with deep, deep meaning And sometimes I lie here and I think Well, what if I never even get up? What if I never move? Would we keep going and going and going And going and going and going And going? And, oh, what a trip What a journey Tige plays bass all day Jarrod just wants to sleep Wil gets thinner every day Tom's in Vietnam Martha makes love and coffee Both of them quite strong And I just wish I could make everybody happy



