Ladies and gentlemen I regret to announce that Miss Julie Wandell Is indisposed and cannot appear tonight Now wait, wait please We are fortunate, however in obtaining the services Of Miss Magnolia Ravenal Who will sing for you an old favorite Magnolia Ravenal, who the hell is she? I'll show you who the hell she is! A little maiden Climbed an old man's knee Begged for a story, "Do, uncle, please" Quiet! Why are you single? Why live alone? Quiet! Get the hook! Have you no babies? Have you no home? Nola! I had a sweetheart Years, years ago Nolie! Where she is now, pet You will soon know List to the story I'll tell it all Smile, Nola! I believed her faithless After the ball After the ball is over After the break of morn After the dancers leaving After the stars are gone Many a heart is aching If you could read them all Many the hopes