Like the star in the sky Light your self so bright inside Don't ever have to change Always stay the same Like the star Brightest light I will send this all a head of time for you Today Darkest nights never end Like the fear we hold inside But the star in the sky Light tomorrow strong and bright All we need is to be The brightest that we all can be Then the future that we'll see Will be more then we could believe Like the star in the sky Light your self so bright inside Don't ever have to change Always stay the same Light the star Warming light I will light tomorrow strong and bright for you Today Up in the sky All our lives are a blink of an eye There is no second chances So lets shine Strong and bright Like we never have before 瞬く星に 願いを こめて 夢を描き 闇を照らす きみと生ける 今この瞬間よ 輝け 輝け Like the star Brightest light I will send this all a head of time for you Today And bright for you Today