What are you duplicants up to You're not supposed to have any imagination! Time for the vet vacation, heavy sedation My machine, what is this crazy contraption You need to be smacked in If it exists, the negotiater will have it hacked *knock* Yes? Come in, CC2003 Do you need a refill of DNA from me? (Clone CC2003) (Princess Superstar) No, I come fatally Me and the ladies have had enough of me, I mean of you And your Tyrannosaurus tyrannical ways Fanatical plays for fans and fame Here comes the rain and nobody will reign And no one will know the difference You taught me well, you goin' to hell, whatever that means And I don't wanna be different I don't wanna be the same but better And now I will terminate you Concetta (You dare to utter my real name?) It's all the same, this is your end game You remember that machine that us duplicants sang of? That can make you into anything you wanted to be Well bitch it does exist I took it back in history Time travelled, and unravelled the mystery of all of our misery It seems in 2005 you were a nobody Oh ok, a sort of somebody Ahead of your time? Well, some of the time And with the super fancy MRI You downloaded the contents of your brain and eyes Knowing the future you in 2080 would materialise And I went back in time, and tampered with that MRI scan This was never part of the plan But in about thirty-five seconds you will cease being a Superstar And instead become one of your own biggest fans Who goes insane because after you cease being a Superstar This fan will have nothing to live vicariously through The premis-precarious true, I'm probably confusing all of you Does it make sense, or don't get it sense It's just my artistic license (Listen duplicant 2003, I'm not really following) (I mean you need to simplify or clarify) (This record, nobody's gonna buy it if you make me die) (I mean, I'm the main AARRRGHHH)