I know I have a 脳 I know I have a 脳 I know I have a 脳 I know I have a 脳 Unbelievableな言葉選びからの あいうえお 喋んなよてばお伽噺 I wanna ダビデ王 No kidding and sitting and what king you're, yei, mofo! Pixar Pixar Pixar 凝視してるFIXER ジグザグpixel350dpiの解像度で 知with血 知with血 Switch on now 利口無礼講でcrazyな Intelliになりてえ Intelliに A lot of soulが遠吠えてる I know that I don't know anything. No doubt, it's the truth, everlasting. I know that I don't know anything. Fly high, the Owl of Minerva. 「あー、何?Intelli?入ってる? 何が?ああ、Intelね、はいはい」 Inter 入って1分半で退場 That's ムンタリ なんJ民から踏んだり蹴ったり 「ナロードニキに なろうぞ兄貴www」 Goodな阿呆もヴ・ナロード 旧帝出身 脳筋マッチョ What's your 科挙? 無化調のジャーゴンじゃ ご法度 but オッペンハイマーが 見た夢乗ってたいな でもおっかないか 隔靴掻痒でカッカすんなよ アンタとオイラの補完計画 教養主義に贈るエール 紅茶に浸すマドレーヌ 岩波を読もうぜ 君もすぐメタモルフォーゼ これは何のための修行? 主義と主張がTouch and Go めくるめく論争 いつか辿り着ける真相 それは I know that I don't know anything. No doubt, it's the truth, everlasting. I know that I don't know anything. Fly high, the Owl of Minerva. I know that I don't know anything. No doubt, it's the truth, everlasting. I know that I don't know anything. Fly high, the Owl of Minerva. 頭良くなりたい〜♪ 知らないこと知りたい〜♪ 全てのこと知りたい〜♪ でもとにかくめんどくさい〜♪ 脱 知識 脱 図式 脱 公式 脱 常識 脱 構築 脱 蘊蓄 脱 貯蓄 脱 解釈 脱 数字 脱 学歴 脱 言語 脱 左脳 脱 思想 脱 知能 脱 what? That's what?? IntelliになりてえIntelliに Intelliになりてえし バッテラも食いてえ Intelli気取りの馬鹿お断り Intelli嫌いのFucker ちょっと哀しい(おこがましい) Intelli wannabe なsuckerでありたい I don't wanna go underground yet without understanding how to fly jet pessimism pedantic snobbism decadence There're many many leach 貼り付く in my head わあわあ So ライター着火 fire right in the dark Mehr licht tick, disorder 蛇口にfinger 知識以上の知識 library finder (Halloween Halloween) I know that I don't know anything. No doubt, it's the truth, everlasting. I know that I don't know anything. Fly high, the Owl of Minerva. I know that I don't know anything. No doubt, it's the truth, everlasting. I know that I don't know anything. Fly high, the Owl of Minerva. Who's wiseguy? Brushig your hair with hot shower アッチ! and パッと上下運動 like a wiper ウィッウィッ 知らねえ 知らねえ なんにも知らねえ 脳(なづき) あゆみのあかし かかしのあがき Walking goalが今通る carcassonne Curiosity kill the rat called Algernon, way to Parthenon We're all ずっと stupid monkey So just do it out of routine Nobody knows. OK Google Kill me please Social worker squeeze I know I know fuckin' joke I know I wanna know I know I wanna know I know I wanna know I know I wanna know