Hulle roep my Die Mamba Die hele kontinent behoort aan my en ek beweeg maar ek hou nie baie van die woestyn want daar is nie jong bokkies Bokkies om te byt... Jong bokkies Bokkies om te byt Hulle roep my Die Mamba Jy sal die vrees sien in hulle oge Hulle roep my die mamba By die hoor van my naam begin hulle bewe En as jy by my pad loop staan Dan kom die bliksem ek belowe Jong bokkies...Bokies om te byt Hulle roep my Die Mamba en ekke looi die kitaar Op die lang pad gebore en toe net sommer net daar laat staan Ek en my vriend adder loop by die nag Al daai heerlike diertjies wat wag Jong bokkies...Bokkies om te byt En dan se hulle: “Hey, hey, hey, My mamba baby Hey, hey, hey, My mamba baby” Hulle roep my Die Mamba Hulle roep my Die Mamba Jong bokkies Bokkies om te byt Jong bokkies Bokkies om te byt They call me The Mamba The whole continent belong to me and I move but I have no love for the desert because there are no young fawns Fawns to bite... Young fawns Fawns to bite They call me The Mamba You will see the fear in their eyes They call me the Mamba The mention of my name makes them quiver And if you go stand by my road then I promise the lightning will come Young fawns...Fawns to bite They call me The Mamba and I play a mean guitar Born on the highway and just abandoned there My friend adder and I walk the night All those lovely little animals await Young fawns...Fawns to bite And then I say: “Hey, hey, hey, My mamba baby Hey, hey, hey, My mamba baby” They call me The Mamba They call me The Mamba Young fawns Fawns to bite Young fawns Fawns to bite --- Translation by Cyril Klopper ---