
We'll be love We'll be more than we ever dreamed of All because We believe one plus one equals one How powerful You can be such a busy bee, but save a little honey for me I can be such a busy bee, but I'll save my honey for thee We can both be the busy bee and save a lil honey while we Take it slow, be- Fore we go you got to know that I believe our love will grow if We slow down baby, slow down darlin Slow down for our love Can't deny, I could never cut the ties You & I We've been doin this for many many lives So while we fly, remember You can be such a busy bee, but save a little honey for me I can be such a busy bee, but I'll save my honey for thee We can both be the busy bee and save a lil honey while we Take it slow, be- Fore we go you got to know that I believe our love will grow if We slow down baby, slow down darlin Slow down for our love Take it slow, be- Fore we go you got to know that I believe our love will grow if We slow down baby, slow down darlin Slow down for our love Livin for an eternal love I'm livin for an eternal love Livin for an eternal love I'm livin for an eternal love Livin for an eternal love I'm livin for an eternal love Livin for an eternal love I'm livin for an eternal love We'll be love

Simon Channing/チャールズ・ブレット/ティモシー・ブラウン/ジョン・ニクソン/ラッセル・ワトソン/Ian Honeyman/Richard Brett/マルクス・クリート/Peter Allwood/リチャード・ウィストライク/ケンブリッジ・キングス・カレッジ合唱団/アカデミー室内管弦楽団/サー・デイヴィッド・ウィルコックス