Last night your picture crashed off the wall And I picked up the broken pieces off the floor, mm-hm Since then every time I turn around The broken glass is back right where it was before And I can hear your footsteps sound And your shadows there beside me And I can hear your footsteps sound And your ghost is right behind me Tonight the night falls like a fear so dark And once again I'm haunted by the ghost of what once was And I can hear whispers and the sound of broken glass Oh yes I can, aha All I can do is just sit here waiting for the past, oh yeah And I can hear your footsteps sound, mm-hm And your shadows there beside me, mm-hm And I can hear your footsteps sound, yes I can And your ghost is right behind me And the day that breaks will find me in pieces Just like your shattered frame there lies my broken heart Waiting for the dark, oh And I can hear your footsteps sound And your shadows there beside me, mm-hm And I can hear your footsteps sound Oh baby like I used to do And your ghost is right behind me, mm-hm And I can hear your footsteps sound, baby And your shadows there beside me, oh yes And I can hear your footsteps sound, baby, oh yes And your ghost is right behind me