Verse 1, Will you please learn where to take a leak You are fucking up my sofa and stinking up my rug I get really pist off when you do that but when I look at you Your eyes make me forget about it セバスチャンYou are white and black, run fast, very good looking マキシマスYou are white and brown, run slow, very cute looking, yeah 走れfor your dog food 奪い合え 二匹ともいっぱい食べて育てよ 食べまくれガツガツと可愛いワンちゃん達大きくなれ Verss 2, When I give you guys food That is the only time you guys listen to me Why is that? Well who cares? I wonder what you guys think when I'm taking care of your shits Your dream Shits!! セバスチャンYou are white and black, run fast, very good looking マキシマスYou are white and brown, run slow, very cute looking, yeah 吠えろ 悪者だ 悪者だ さあ 追いかけろ 本能のままにbite! bite! しっぽ振ってる しっぽ振ってる 捕まえたのね ほめちゃうよね 走れfor your dog food 奪い合え 二匹ともいっぱい食べて育てよ 食べまくれガツガツと可愛いワンちゃん達大きくなれ 吠えろ 悪者だ 悪者だ さあ 追いかけろ 本能のままにbite! bite! しっぽ振ってる しっぽ振ってる 捕まえたのね ほめちゃうよね