小さな部屋で 目が覚めてしまった 身体は重くなり ここに立つこともやっと それはWhen I was born 授かってたもので 守られないはずない but I did not know that 生かすも捨てるも自分次第だが 負けそうなHeart 臆病なthink 大事なものは? Pray for you 地球はいつでも Pray for me いつのまにか回る You already have the power even when you sleep at night always , all days You already have the power even when you want to cry always , all days 誰にも邪魔させない I just standing here You already have the power just you are only alive always , all days The beginning is a big bang We come from the same one 同じ星生きているだけで What's going on? マイナスにかかるforce stop! move on 守るべきものは(my world) 天変地異目の前に 電源ピッできたら良い永遠に Sing a song and dance with me Can you feel? the D.R.A.G ここにいることが何よりの証さ gimme a shelter 祈る僕ら 君は見えるか? Pray for you 世界はいつでも Pray for me 逆さまに動く You already have the power even when you sleep at night always , all days You already have the power even when you want to cry always , all days You already have the power even without make-up bright always , all days You already have the power we can't fly in the sky always , all days 誰にも邪魔させない I just standing here You already have the power just you are only alive standing here feel the earth thinking to live you and me