Hey, 日本語解放 RIZEからの提示 音にRIDE ON Hey, マイノリティーファイト 百獣の王の子 we are ライオン Hey angels Their are watching you どう出るか見張られ観察中 出る釘は常に打たれる モラル崩壊全てが崩れる Hey, devil 強い奴がルールを作る なのに狂うbut Hey, 弱い奴らはただ従うlike the boys in blue so let me mention I have a question whole world is in big depression 余計な情報入れずにセッション 君はどう思う 殺生 I've been watching you (Justify) They choose the dark in me all the people want's to follow you we can catch the truth&destroy you I say 正義はLOVEけど失うpeace 正義は守るが消えてくtree 未来のため作り上げるdreamだが 実際 夢見ること禁じる 正義はtrue けど正義はshit 子供が狂い殺しあう日 今日もどこかで これが真実 どうする日の丸 yo let's think 正義はLAWけど蝕まれる だってそうでしょ時代で流れる 正義は誰かを勝利に導く と同時に誰かを落とす That's the truth&That is reality 現時点の我がHumanity 新しく開くページ what if stop and think for justice I've been watching you (Justify) They choose the dark in me all the people want's to follow you we can catch the truth&destroy you I've been watching you (Justify) They choose the dark in me (Justify) all the people want's to follow you we can catch the truth&destroy you Hey, I have a question cant we get along as one nation Hey, feel free to mention just another mother fuckers expression impossible but don't be gullible monotone art could be colorful so anything is possible imagination is the most powerful Bring the madness, imagination is the most powerful Bring the Justice, imagination is the most powerful (Justify) I've been watching you (Justify) They choose the dark in me (Justify) all the people want's to follow you So we can catch the truth&destroy you