What becomes of me? The repetition that I was immunized against Like a friend was in the room without a view. Simple Simon tests the best of the rest It's awful that they really don't think of you, and what you do. You should never tell lies you might be hypnotized, Like a friend that're breaking all the rules that we all abused. Like a parasite that bleeds the life out it. You're so sick of the shite. So send me on my way, have another dance Have another dance, have another dance on my grave. Send me on my way. Have another dance. Have another dance. Have another dance on my grave. What becomes of you? Hardly heard a word from someone that disturbing And I really want to breathe in the fumes. You kicked seven shades of shite out of each other. You're on the glue it's really what you do that no one knew. The repetition that I was immunized against Like a friend was in the room without a view. Simple Simon tests the best of the rest. It's awful that they really don't think of.. Send me on my way, have another dance, Have another dance, have another dance on my grave. Send me on my way, have another dance, Have another dance, have another dance in that room. Send me on my way, have another dance, Have another dance, have another dance on my grave. Have another dance on my grave.