Big Mama (Unconditional Love) feat. Dru Hill

Track byLL Cool J

  • 2003.01.01
  • 5:34


Yeah. this one is dedicated to my grandmother, and your grandmother. It's all love, let's not forget who raised us. Word up. Big momma, my grandmother, my main girl. I love you much more than the scandelous world. As a young boy you gave me whoopin's to save my life. Cursed me out to keep me out the streets at night. Cause my momma had me when she was young. So you took on the responsibility to raise your grandson. You taught me if a task is once begun tard, Never leave it til it's done tard. Be thy labug great all small tard. Do it well or not at all god! Big momma my blood is your blood, when the whole world is against me I know I got your love. If I was in a cell for the rest of my life, I know I'd hear your prayers in the middle of the night. You used to sit me on your lap and teach me mother whit, Early Sunday mornin' for them salmon and grits. I love you baby you the one and only and that's a fact. Til death do us part I'ma always have your back. You beefed cause heard that I was cursing in my raps, 86' still you wanna run and get the straps. I love you I promise you I care for you deep, Cause when I had Bronchities you would rock me to sleep. Rub me down with green alchahol, Little brown skinned lady bout five feet tall big momma (Chorus) Early one Sunday morning, Breakfast was on the table.(You give me unconditional love) There was no time to eat, She said to me," boy hurry to Sunday school" (You give me unconditional love) I remember when you told me certain friends wasn't real, I didn't want to listen I swore I knew the deal. Come to find out everything you said was true, Who I end up going to for advice? You. I love you that's why you got nurses and maides, Ever since I got paid you ain't never been afraid. That's grandaddy wife she taught me how to think, How to navigate through life you made the sacrafice. You kept on living cause when my grandaddy died, It took all your might but you ain't quit on life. We took trips down south biscuits and chicken Me, you grandad and Allison trippin'. Remember you used to pick me up from Junior High, And classmates laughed when the Buick rolled by. Remember I pulled my privates out in class, And from Farmers to Dunkirk you straight whooped my,Whoo! The best cookin' a man could ever taste, It's written in my heart it could never be erased. Thank you so much you taught me well, How to not get souped up because i'm LL. How to walk the street and hold my head real high, How to live with Christ and not be afraid to die. We sipped Dacuries but you never told moms, We even shared beers Big momma my dear. A toast to a woman that raised a man, Hit popular demand all across the land. Your my lawyer, my teacher, my doctor, my friend, My mother, my father, you with me til the end. I love you I mean that from the bottom of my heart, That's the reason why my record is number one on the chart. I'ma tell you like it is I'll love you forever, Dead or alive we'll always be together Big momma I love you. (Chorus) I dedicate this to the Big mommas everywhere, The ones who raised us when nobody else was there. The ones who held us and told us we would be alright, When gunshots was goin' off every night. Told us how to lock the door and check the peep whole, And how to swallow Vix when we had a chest cold. How to stay proud represent hard, Eat plenty baby but first say grace to god. Big momma I'ma miss you when one of us leave this earth, But baby for what it's worth I loved you from the date of my birth. And if it wasn't for my children I would want to go first. Your the reason I'm the man I am today, The inspiration for me to be LL Cool J. When you told me knock 'em out I brought you home a grammy, I learned to be tough from big momma and Aunt Cammy. A black man that was raised by black women, On tour sippin your special honey and lemon. You told me gargle with vinegar, water, and salt, The concert was hot thanks to your support. Girl your the one I love, Whether right here with me or smiling from up above. Trouble or no trouble you always had my back, So I had to let you know your son appreciates that Big momma (Chorus 2 times) Music Fades Out....


LL Cool Jの人気曲

LL Cool J