ROTTI: Flesh is weak Blood is cheap Inconsistent...consistently Use your sense Save your cents The only thing with persistence is... Gold, it makes the world go 'round Gold, it makes the world go 'round Carved my niche Rags to rich Made a fortune... and counted it Asked for heirs Got nightmares - Degenerates who would waste every cent of my Gold, it makes the world go 'round Gold, it makes the world go 'round But, before I go My kids will know About the man they have crossed As Marni did The day she fled And became Nathan's wife She forced my hand He dug her grave I will not be betrayed Empty the trash Of all of them And leave it all to the kid Lay the bait Shilo's fate But only if earned will she appreciate that Gold, it makes the world go 'round Gold, it makes the world go 'round Gold!