Let your yes be yeah And your no be nah We're on fire On fire burning bridges We don't have plans on Crossing back again Come on and spell it out Put the words in our mouth If it is what it is easy listening Come and Be quick in few words or less Sound-bite me don't take that out of context Speak loud Make sure your heard Attention-getters rule the world Let your yes be yeah And your no be nah Ladies... Nah nah, nah nah nah nah Take this line off the song Put it on a bumper sticker Billboard blanket statement guilty by association Black and white gave grey an ultimatum Conversation interrupted Open to interpretation End of discussion Hold on to the stereotype then bring it back When it's time to say I told you so look how they act Come on play it cool dance around act a fool Try and build a case off the exception to the rule Let your yes be yeah And your no be nah We're on fire Spell it out Be quick Speak loud Let your yes be yeah And your no be nah Nah nah, nah nah nah nah Let your yes be yeah And your no be nah