Standing at the local station, waiting for the 6.02 he's glancing at the morning paper and he worries 'bout the news He eats his bagel on the way to another working day How do we do without it and who can afford to doubt it the greatest tickle heaven sent how can we live without it the natural thing about it that keeps us going til the end and no one ever fully comprehends She's married to her vaccum cleaner struggling on a double shift she's turning every single pence to make them match the bills she gets She sleeps an hour on the way to another yesterday How do we do without it and who can afford to doubt it the greatest tickle heaven sent how can we live without it the natural thing about it that keeps us going til'the end and no one ever fully comprehends And then one day all would change 'cause he slept a little late had to change his destination she was home with the flew, went for tea and chicken soup at the deli by the station How do we do without it and who can afford to doubt it the greatest tickle heaven sent how can we live without it the natural thing about it that keeps us going til the end and no one ever fully comprehends