Time isn't money Time is the living Swift are the hours Disintegrating Behold the power We call it the spirit Turn up the music Maybe you'll hear it Witness the kingdom We built it with mortar and riffs Hear this new testament Lead all your friends to the ships The old world is sinking Unless ye be drinking the brine Shredtopia waits inside The altered states of your mind Out in the jungle Cats battle for status Keep your scene humble Cause that shits the raddist Old ways will crumble Let new life grow tall Keep your head banging Or asleep ye may fall Witness this kingdom We built it with mortar and riffs Hear this new testament Lead all your friends to the ships The old world is sinking Unless ye be drinking the brine Shredtopia waits inside The altered states of your mind At the gates, Apollo waits Sky's ablaze, a fanfare wails, Guitars