Thamela - Die Son Trek Water (Live)

Track byJohnny Clegg

  • 2008.12.05
  • 4:06


Thamela 'mbulu thamela! Warm yourself in the sun, water lizard or monitor (legavaan)! Ziyaphuza izinsizwa,uxamu lothela ilanga The warriors drink their beer..while the water monitor enjoys warming itself in the sun Ziyaphuz' 'insizwa The warriors are drinking Die son trek water, soos ek en my bier The sun draws the water,like me and my beer Ziyaphuz' 'insizwa The warriors are drinking Maar die osean is nie bang vir die son se vuur But the ocean is not afraid of the sun's fire Ziyaphuz' 'insizwa The warriors are drinking Ek dink aan jou want jy is nie hier nie I'm thinking of you because you are not here Ziyaphuz' 'insizwa The warriors are drinking En my bottle is leeg, en my hart is seer. And my bottle is empty, and my heart is sore Ziyaphuz' 'insizwa The warriors are drinking Die pad na jou hart, is sonder a brug The road to your heart is without a bridge Ziyaphuz' 'insizwa The warriors are drinking En die myle na jou deur, is my bitter plig And the miles to your door, have become my relentless destiny Ziyaphuz' 'insizwa The warriors are drinking Sigukile egoli madoda! We have grown old in johannesburg, men! Njengegolovane, ngendaba zemali, ngendaba zemali Like a rusty mine cocopan, we did this because we needed money Guka!guka wena..uzoguka othandayo Grow old!grow old!..only someone who gives up will grow old! Binne in my, ek dra jou binne in my,vir ewig Inside me, I carry you inside me,forever My bloed is koud, en ek word oud, soos tai kalahari hout My blood is cold, and I grow old, like tough-hard kalahari wood Maar herrineringe aan jou stook die kole in my hart But memories of you stoke the coals in my hart Diep in my ..jy's diep in my.. Deep inside me, you are deep inside me Die afstand tussen ons is so krom en skeef The distance between us, is bent and crooked Selfs die bottle sal my nie gou laat vergeet Even this bottle does'nt help me to forget quickly Daars n' sagte klank in die nag se lug There is a gentle sound on the evening air As jy slaap in die donker en in jou drome vlug As you sleep in the darkness and flee into your dreams My bottle is gebreek en my hart is seer My bottle is broken and my heart is sore Jy's so ver van my af, en die toekoms is leeg You are so far from me and the future is empty Sigukile egoli madoda! We have grown old in johannesburg, men! Njengegolovane, ngendaba zemali, ngendaba zemali Like a rusty mine cocopan, we did this because we needed money


Johnny Cleggの人気曲

Johnny Clegg