Notes .../Twisted Every Way(Live At The Royal Albert Hall/2011)

  • 2011.01.01
  • 10:53


ANDRE: Ludicrous! Have you seen the score? FIRMIN: Simply ludicrous! ANDRE: It's the final straw! FIRMIN: This is lunacy! Well, you know my views ANDRE: ...Utter lunacy! FIRMIN: But we daren't refuse ... ANDRE: Not another chandelier FIRMIN: ...Look, my friend, what we have here ... ANDRE: "Dear Andre, Re my orchestrations: We need another first bassoon. Get a player with tone - and that third trombone has to go! The man could not be deafer, so please preferably one who plays in tune!" FIRMIN: "Dear Firmin, vis a vis my opera: some chorus-members must be sacked. If you could, find out which has a sense of pitch - wisely, though, I've managed to assign a rather minor role to those who cannot act!" CARLOTTA: Outrage! FIRMIN: What is it now? CARLOTTA: This whole affair is an outrage! ANDRE: Now what's the matter? CARLOTTA: Have you seen the size of my part? ANDRE: Signora, listen ... PIANGI: It's an insult! FIRMIN: Not you as well! PIANGI: Just look at this - it's an insult! FIRMIN: Please, understand ... ANDRE: Signor! Signora! CARLOTTA: The things I have to do for my art! PIANGI: If you can call this gibberish "art" ! CARLOTTA: Ah! Here's our little flower! FIRMIN: Ah Miss Daae, quite the lady of the hour! ANDRE: You have secured the largest role in this "Don Juan". CARLOTTA: Christine Daae? She doesn't have the voice! FIRMIN: Signora, please! RAOUL: Then I take it you're agreeing. CARLOTTA: She's behind this ... ANDRE: It appears we have no choice. CARLOTTA: She's the one behind this! Christine Daae! CHRISTINE: How dare you! CARLOTTA: I'm not a fool! CHRISTINE: You evil woman! How dare you! CARLOTTA: You think I'm blind? CHRISTINE: This isn't my fault! I don't want any part in this plot! FIRMIN: Miss Daae, surely ... ANDRE: But why not? PIANGI: What does she say? FIRMIN: It's your decision But why not? CARLOTTA: She's backing out! ANDRE: You have a duty! CHRISTINE: I cannot sing it, duty or not! RAOUL: Christine ... Christine ... You don't have to ... they can't make you ... GIRY: Please, monsieur: another note. "Fondest greetings to you all ! A few instructions just before rehearsal starts: ERIK: Carlotta must be taught to act ... ," ... not her normal trick of strutting round the stage. Our Don Juan must lose some weight - it's not healthy in a man of Piangi's age. And my managers must learn that their place is in an office, not the arts. As for Miss Christine Daae ... No doubt she'll do her best - it's true her voice is good. She knows, though, should she wish to excel she has much still to learn, if pride will let her return to me, her teacher, her teacher ... GIRY: Your obedient friend ... "... and Angel ..." RAOUL: We have all been blind - and yet the answer is staring us in the face ... This could be the chance to ensnare our clever friend ... ANDRE: We're listening FIRMIN: ...Go on. RAOUL: We shall play his game - perform his work - but remember we hold the ace ... For, if Miss Daae sings, he is certain to attend ... ANDRE: We make certain the doors are barred ... FIRMIN: We make certain our men are there ... RAOUL: We make certain they're armed ... ANDRE/FIRMIN/RAOUL: The curtain falls. His reign will end! GIRY: Madness! ANDRE: I'm not so sure ... FIRMIN: Not if it works ... GIRY: This is madness! ANDRE: The tide will turn! GIRY: Monsieur, believe me - there is no way of turning the tide! FIRMIN: You stick to ballet! RAOUL: Then help us! GIRY: Monsieur, I can't ... RAOUL: Instead of warning us ... RAOUL/ANDRE/FIRMIN: Help us! GIRY: I wish I could ... RAOUL/ANDRE/FIRMIN: Don't make excuses! RAOUL: Or could it be that you're on his side? GIRY: Monsieur, believe me, I intend no ill ... But messieurs, be careful - we have seen him kill ... ANDRE/FIRMIN: We say he'll fall and fall he will! CARLOTTA: She's the one behind this! Christine! This is a ploy to help, Christine! PIANGI: This is the truth! Christine Daae! RAOUL: This is his undoing! ANDRE/FIRMIN: If you succeed you free us all - this so called "angel" has to fall! RAOUL: Angel of music, fear my fury - Here is where you fall! GIRY: Hear my warning! Fear his fury! CARLOTTA: What glory can she hope to gain? It's clear to all the girl's insane! ANDRE: Christine sings We'll get our man ... PIANGI: She is crazy! She is raving! FIRMIN: If Christine helps us in this plan ... RAOUL: Say your prayers, black angel of death! CHRISTINE: Please don't ANDRE: ...If Christine won't, then no-one can ... GIRY: Monsieur, I beg you, do not do this ... PIANGI/CARLOTTA: Gran Dio! Che imbroglio ANDRE/FIRMIN: This will seal his fate! CHRISTINE: If you don't stop, I'll go mad! Raoul, I'm frightened - don't make me do this ... Raoul, it scares me - don't put me through this ordeal by fire ... he'll take me, I know ... we'll be parted for ever ... he won't let me go ... What I once used to dream I now dread ... if he finds me, it won't ever end ... and he'll always be there, singing songs in my head ... he'll always be there, singing songs in my head ... CARLOTTA: She's mad ... RAOUL: You said yourself he was nothing but a man ... Yet while he lives, he will haunt us till we're dead ... CHRISTINE: Twisted every way, what answer can I give? Am I to risk my life, to win the chance to live? Can I betray the man who once inspired my voice? Do I become his prey? Do I have any choice? He kills without a thought, he murders all that's good . . . I know I can't refuse and yet, I wish I could . . . Oh God - if I agree, what horrors wait for me in this, the Phantom's opera . . .? RAOUL: Christine, Christine, don't think that I don't care - but every hope and every prayer rests on you now . . . RAOUL: So, it is to be war between us! But this time, clever friend, the disaster will be yours! CHORUS : Hide our sword now wounded knight! Your vainglorious gasconnade brought you to your final fight for your pride, high price you've paid! CHRISTINE: Silken couch and hay-filled barn both have been his battlefield. PIANGI: Those who tangle with Don Juan . . . REYER: No, no, no! Please. Don Juan, Signor Piangi - here is the phrase. "Those who tangle with Don Juan . . ." If you please? PIANGI: Those who tangle with Don Juan . . . REYER: No, no. Nearly - but no. "Those who tan, tan, tan . . ." PIANGI: Those who tangle with Don Juan . . . CARLOTTA: His way is better. At least he make it sound like music! GIRY: Signora - would you speak that way in the presence of the composer? CARLOTTA: The composer is not here. And if he were here, I would . . . GIRY: Are you certain of that, Signora . . .? REYER: So, once again - after seven. Five, six, seven . . . PIANGI: Those who tangle with Don Juan . . . CARLOTTA : Ah, piu non posso! What does it matter what notes we sing? GIRY: Have patience, Signora. CARLOTTA: No-one will know if it is right or if it is wrong. CARLOTTA: Those who tangle with Don Juan! PIANGI: Those who tan . . . tan . . . Is right? CHRISTINE: Not quite, Signor: Those who tan . . . tan . . . REYER: Ladies . . . Signor Piangi . . . if you please . . . ALL EXCEPT CHRISTINE: Poor young maiden! For the thrill on your tongue of stolen sweets you will have to pay the bill - tangled in the winding sheets! CHRISTINE: In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came . . . that voice which calls to me and speaks my name . . . Little Lotte thought of everything and nothing . . . Her Father promised her that he would send her the Angel of Music . . . Her father promised her . . . Her father promised her


Andrew Lloyd Webberの人気曲

Andrew Lloyd Webber