When they plant me like a seed in the ground In silent sleep beneath some mossy mound I'll be like a rose just waitin' for the spring 'Cause I'm a gonna rise up, rise up, shout and sing 'Cause there ain't no grave gonna hold my body down When I hear, I hear that trumpet sound I know I've been a dyin' since the day that I was born But now I'm living for that resurrection morn' (Chorus) When King Jesus calls his children home When King Jesus calls his children home I'm a gonna wear my snow white gown I'm gonna put on a starry crown When King Jesus calls his children home Like a bird in a cage that's been set free My soul will sing throughout eternity I'll shed this mortal shell, oh, let ol' Satan stay in hell I'll see glory that no human tongue can tell (Repeat Chorus) Ye know not the hour Ye know not the day So, be humble, my children Hide and watch and pray (Repeat Chorus) (Repeat Chorus)