Eschew your obligations Screw the ramifications Don't fall for an early bed Sooner or later you might be dead What good is responsibility If you can't shirk it occasionally? Tell the boss to get bent You'll find some way to pay the rent Put down the tablet, the remote and the phone Come hear the music play Come hear the music play The night ain't what it used to be We've sold it out entirely The couch is no substitute For a bit of champagne and a tailored suit Who cares what the next day holds You'll learn as it all unfolds The night sparkles like a gem Your life looks very different at 3 AM C'mon, now people stop messing around Don't let your life slip away C'mon, now people stop messing around Don't let your life slip away Oh life is a horror show But it doesn't have to be quite so Stop, with all those plans Oh, come on now And take my hand Oh life is a horror show But it doesn't have to be quite so Stop, don't behave Oh c'mon now get a bit depraved It's 5 AM And I'm creeping in After another show Where it all leads And where it might end Well it's hard to know High on self deception In love with my reflection Denial is the sweetest drug As night gives way To the longest day Oh, I still have a pretty good time Where will I be Oh, when the morning comes Where will I be Oh, when the morning comes Middle-age lover Meet under me under the covers It's never been so sweet But still I'm conflicted Because it's age restricted So we're oh so discreet All this desire Is like wildfire Don't want to put it out I maintain That all is pain But I still have a pretty good time Where will I be Oh, when the morning comes Where will I be Oh, when the morning comes