最高の笑顔で 最期は別れた 繋いだ手のぬくもりは まだ残ってる 少し傷ついた でもまだ行ける 両手に武器をとれ 口笛を吹きながら I’ll make you regret not choosing me at the last minute Absolutely, definitely I was a wolf in sheep's clothing when you were with me Oh I don't care if you diss me Lalalala.. I don’t miss you, I don’t need you Lalalala.. Don’t be a fool, Give you a smile 人伝に聞いた 次の当選結果 同時に審査されてたことを知ったよ 甘い囁きと うなじの匂い 今は思い出すだけで 吐き気がするわ Gonna make you regret not choosing me at the last minute Absolutely, make it happen I was a wolf in sheep's clothing when you were with me Oh I don't care if you diss me, yeah Lalalala.. I don’t miss you, I don’t need you Lalalala.. Don’t be a fool, Give you a smile Lalalala I’ll make you regret not choosing me at the last minute Absolutely, definitely I was a wolf in sheep's clothing when you were with me Oh I don't care Gonna make you regret not choosing me at the last minute Absolutely, make it happen I was a wolf in sheep's clothing when you were with me Oh I don't care if you diss me, yeah Lalalala.. I don’t miss you, I don’t need you Lalalala.. Don’t be a fool, Give you a smile