Feedback, feedback Feedback on Highway 101 Feedback, feedback Feedback on Highway 101 Cruisin' easy, your favorite DJ Havin' fun, havin' fun, havin' fun Look out, look out, stand back There's a fool out on the road Look out, look out, look out Stand back, stand back There's a fool out on the road, on the road He's had one too many drinks And he just might overload, overload Night time, night time, night time Cruisin', cruisin' along Night time cruisin' Night time cruisin' along You don't see the setting sun Ah, the thing has gone Feedback, feedback on Highway Highway, Highway, Highway 101 Feedback on Highway 101 Cruisin' easy, your favorite DJ Havin' fun, havin' fun Havin' fun, havin' fun, havin' fun Stop at the station Keep it on Give me a long distance phone Stop at the station Gimme long, gimme long Gimme a long distance phone I wanna blow my lonesome horn Blow the horn just like a saxophone Blow it just like a saxophone Come on now, come on now Come on listen on now Come on, come on Come on listen on Come on listen