When I was still in the dark 優しい闇に 包み込まれて 生きてきた日々に Wave a hand,far away,I'll go 立ち止まるより 新しい世界を見たいの まとわりつく その不安や恐れを 脱ぎ捨てて to the new world I don't wanna stop here Go this way straight! (No matter what they say) (No matter what they want) I'm not the one who people think that I am (No matter what they want) (No matter what they want) Take my way Take your way 探し 見つけるまで 足りないものを数えても 足りてるものを見つめても 心が探す何かはここにはない I know ずっと わかっていた 見てないフリをしていた I am gonna be what I am wanting to be まとわりつく その不安や恐れを 脱ぎ捨てて to the new world I don't wanna stop here Go this way straight! (No matter what they say) (No matter what they want) I'm not the one who people think that I am (No matter what they want) (No matter what they want) 偽りの仮面を脱いで 翼を捨ててでも Go to the way I choice Show myself who I am I wanna go I just go where I want to go by myself I wanna sing I just sing the song I want to from my heart 消せない過去をおいて 見えない未来(さき)を恐れるより 今を 輝きたい oh I don't wanna stop here Go this way straight! (No matter what they say) (No matter what they want) I'm not the one who people think that I am (No matter what they want) (No matter what they want) 偽りの仮面を脱いで 翼を捨ててでも Go to the way I choice Show myself who I am