The artifice virginal air became the odour of sinful obsession we subsequently trespassed the boundaries of apt behaviour A midwinter night's gleam, almost bereaved of sympathy we drank from all those feeble hearts, we were the masters of deceit Bohemian soulmates in violent rapture, way beyond the mortal surface The temptress and Mr Misery, a twosome of unhibited gracedays we traduced the world with a touch of havoc; fuck everything She painted the drifting cupid and crowned me; the tranquil king I recall the glorious days of our malignant midwinter murders Oh, how benignly malignant we were... I recall the fragrance of our malignant midwinter murders Reh rebmemer syawla lliw I... Bohemian soulmates in violent rapture, way beyond the mortal surface The temptress and me, a twosome of unhibited gracedays we traduced the world with a touch of havoc; fuck everything She painted the drifting cupid and crowned me; the tranquil king