心の中、起こる嵐、 君への想いが渦巻く "In my heart, a storm brews, emotions for you swirl and twirl" 言葉にできないこの感情、 夜空に叫びたい "Feelings I can't put into words, I want to scream into the night sky" 「Emotion Storm, 心の奥深く」 "Emotion Storm, deep within my heart's peak" 「Tears and smiles, in this trial, we seek」 "Tears and smiles, in this trial, we seek" 君の名前を呼び続ける、 止まらないこの雨 "Calling your name nonstop, in this unending rain's frame" Emotion Storm, 愛が解き放つ力 "Emotion Storm, the power love releases, a force" 君との思い出が、 雷となって鳴り響く "Memories with you thunder, echoing loud, striking anew" この心の痛みさえ、君への愛の証 "Even the pain in my heart, a testament to my love's growth" 「Emotion Storm, 情熱のように燃えて」 "Emotion Storm, burning like passion's fleet" 「Through the wind, through the rain, our hearts beat」 "Through the wind, through the rain, our hearts beat" 二人の距離を超え、繋がる強い絆 "Surpassing our distance, a bond that connects, intense" Emotion Storm, 永遠に変わらない約束 "Emotion Storm, a promise that never bends, intense"