You know what it is man We came from the bottom Tokyo city in the building A new rock star will pass I'll join this game again Listen up Mother fuckin’ JP Mic check in the booth 吐き出す言霊 Shoot on the score Lat ta ta ya Sounds like a 鳴神 響かすFloorと鼓動瞬く間 ya 鬼気宿らすBase 聴き狂わす聴衆 耳裂くリリックシニカル且つ リリカル We are not beginners 今響かす 吐くKilling verse なお研ぎ澄ます狂気とSwag 根こそぎ奪う 極東のSounds Ha 直ぐに判るWe are real ha You will feel it with your heart rather than your head Yeah Real sound from the Far East unlike anyone else この宵闇を裂き響く下駄の音 Take you out Take you out Take you out Take you out Take you out Take you out We are so badass It ’s really no manners 世は黎明 開く瞳 想うが儘 We are so badass It ’s really no manners Take you out Take you out Take you out Take you out Take you out Take you out 群れてる雑魚共 諸共 掃除 奪い去るShowty 出来ない容赦 拙者流れの民だ渡る風波 I'm a Real neo SAMURAI soldier 神がかる歌詞に耳ヲ貸スベキ Life is move 全てがShowだ 断ち切る鎖 刀は紫 痛みも力に変え昇華 怪怪たる音楽に込めるLife 散々たる現実に見つけるSpice 神々から落とし込んだ 感覚からすべてを注ぎ込んだ これは唯一無二のArt work 軽々しく誰にも出来ないFlowを発掘 猿真似共唖然して顔を隠す 今に分かるだろ 消費され廃るだけの音楽家と我々は 一線を画す Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta We are so badass It ’s really no manners 世は黎明 開く瞳 想うが儘 We are so badass It ’s really no manners Take you out Take you out Take you out Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta Rhythm ta You will feel it with your heart rather than your head Yeah Real sound from the Far East unlike anyone else この宵闇を裂き響く下駄の音 Take you out Take you out Take you out Take you out Take you out Take you out You will feel it with your heart rather than your head Yeah Real sound from the Far East unlike anyone else この宵闇を裂き響く下駄の音 Take you out Take you out Take you out Take you out Take you out Take you out