夜毎苛む夢の 時計の針は止まっている 購いきれない罪の 後ろめたさが雨を待つ I'll fall on my knees and pray to God For your absolution I might be free And I'm waiting for the last judgement day 仇も情も罰も 荒みゆく我が身より出て来る 肌に悼み刻んでは 祈りの出口を探している With your remission That's my mission Make a confession because I want to be free And I'm waiting for the final judgement day I'll fall on my knees and pray to God For your absolution I might be free And I'm waiting for the final judgement day 何処まで離れていくのだろう 心穏やかなあの日々から 柔らかい肌に焦がれながら この身を照らす十六夜の月 どれだけ月日を見送れば 迷う心が解き放てる 光を探して咲いた花を 今宵も照らす十六夜の月 亡骸のエンブレムは 何も語らずに佇んでる 魂の行き先を 見守る篝火が揺れるだけ With your remission That's my mission Make a confession because I want to be free And I'm waiting for the final judgement day I'll fall on my knees and pray to God For your absolution I might be free And I'm waiting for the final judgement day With your remission That's my mission Make a confession because I want to be free And I'm waiting for the final judgement day I'll fall on my knees and pray to God For your absolution I might be free And I'm waiting for the final judgement day