Inside of everybody's head. Inside of everybody's head, There is a hum. There's a hum. There's a neverending hum, And no one ever seems to notice it. No one seems to notice it. You have never noticed it. Never ever. Never ever. Until now. Deep in the dankest corners of the human mind Of any given person that you happen to see, There rests a creature, Or, more specifically, A critter, hiding and sitting In the churning, boiling, philosophical pot Of self-aware chowder that we call thought. This critter has a name, But it's different for each person. Mine is named Corey And it looks like an armadillo. In KISS make-up. Jabbidy jabbidy jabbidy jabba Jibba jabba. Jabbidy jabbidy jabbidy jabba Jibba jabba. Jabbidy jabbidy jabbidy jabba Jibba jabba. Jabbidy jabbidy jabbidy jabba Jibba jabba. Picture your spirit in a delicatessen In the slums of the universe, "Open" sign dangling, daring all parasites, Giving you mosquito bites, Sucking the life out of all of your customers. But fear not, it's your critter to the rescue, Hum emanating from its lips. And fear disappears As the parasite trips And lands in a puddle, And that's your rebuttal To the argument that you Weren't even listening to Because of the neverending hum. Jabbidy jabbidy jabbidy jabba Jibba jabba. Jabbidy jabbidy jabbidy jabba Jibba jabba. Jabbidy jabbidy jabbidy jabba Jibba jabba. Jabbidy jabbidy jabbidy jabba Jibba.