Track byカラオケJOYSOUND
Who are you!? Reflecting (on the) mirror, standing all alone With his eyes closed, I don't know what to do What's going on!? Am I going mad!? Stay away! Get away from me now! We are all ignorant being living in (a) world of sorrow We don't know anything but we act like we know something Can you tell me who I am? Don't watch with those eyes! Break yourself! Why can't I be myself? Why do I fake my heart? I just wanna be who I want to be I'm just who I am I'm not like anyone How will the mirror reflect me? Twilight Stars in the sky Light me in the dark Guide through my path Day break Let the sun shine Start of another day Light the world in hope Moment between stars and dark Our world lives in both justice and evil Life every now and then we ask who we are Every day every night troubles don't end That's how life is That's how life is But we have no time to rest Your life is yours you can be who you want to be You're only you so do not let others choose what you want to be Your pain will heal and get better someday Twilight between stars and sun We all start a brand new day