I was 14, she was 12 Father traveled, hers as well. Europa Down the beaches hand in hand, 12th of never on the sand. Then war took her away, we swore a vow that day.. We'll be the pirate twins again! Europa On my country We'll be the pirate twins again! Europa! Ta' Republic 5 years after, who'd I see? On the cover of a magazine. Europa Hey! Buy her pictures and see all her films. Paste her picture on my window seal. But that's not quite the same (it isn't is it?) Europa my old friend We'll be the pirate twins again! Europa! On my country We'll be the pirate twins again! Europa! Ta republic. Flew in from the hoverport She's back in london. Pushed passed the paper men (calling her name) She smiles for the camera. A bodygard grabs me! Eyes were gone forever as they drove her away... Chours