Boy: "Hey, so what are you doing tonight?" Girl: "Guess..." Boy: "Really? Again?" Girl: "Yea, it's what I do best" Boy: "Always knew that" Girl: "But always doubted..." Can't you shoot me now, together I'm so lonely Barred from you somehow, smooth until we fight... ourselves... from killing this away from myself again you're the queen of this panic and I'm due for punishment so send your royal aggravations to sting me again Boy: "If you fell, who would catch you?" Girl: "Probably no one" Boy: "I would, I'll never stop catching you" Girl: "Why? All I do is cause you pain" Boy: "Come here, feel what I feel" Girl: "I'm scared" Take this light, venture out into the world you fell into night, so what if I need you sleeping Just like always, sometimes least expectations are the plan swallow my dreams, take the gun out of your left hand So crash my head, forever we'll be one to not be known So crash my head, forever we'll be one to not be known So crash my head, forever we'll be one to not be known So crash my head, forever we'll be one to not be known Boy: "Hey, you still with me?" Girl: "Wow, I never knew it could be that way" Boy: "Today is over, it's now tomorrow" Girl: "Game over then..." Boy: "What?" Girl: "Just don't start over" Boy: "I promise, don't crash" Girl: "Never"