踊り狂う大捜査線上jesus WALK 古のバッハ ride on we are conductor BEYOUNG&Karnage 海を越えてrampage Like a cheech&chong World wide股にかけ24savage Up in smoke up in sniff 目と鼻の先には Reaching shangrila Up in smoke up in sniff ガラスの靴で炙る 0時過ぎのCinderella 歯軋りSerenade pyrex使用 sparking 回せfast money heavy user frozen party 市内某所にて末期症状life goes on Rude boy days日々磨く殺文句 突拍子も無く陰日向を裂く 好きな様に犯る勝手気儘にfuck 灰になっても舞い上がって更にFly 安定し未だずっと変 安心してぶっ飛べ Mad yellow hippie、 群を抜いてhigh quality The effecter the effecter The effecter the effecter 固定概念ぶっ壊すお前の普通に question mark The effecter the effecter The effecter the effecter Mad yellow hippie、 群を抜いてhigh quality The effecter the effecter The effecter the effecter 固定概念ぶっ壊すお前の普通に question mark The effecter the effecter The effecter the effecter Vomit spit 卍familiar vomit spit 卍familiar Island to island island to island Vomit spit 卍familiar vomit spit 卍familiar Island to island island to island Fuck to meet you fuck to meet you Fuck to meet you fuck to meet you So fresh so dirty so dope その奥 Mad yellow hippie、 群を抜いてhigh quality The effecter the effecter The effecter the effecter 固定概念ぶっ壊すお前の普通に question mark The effecter the effecter The effecter the effecter Mad yellow hippie、 群を抜いてhigh quality The effecter the effecter The effecter the effecter 固定概念ぶっ壊すお前の普通に question mark The effecter the effecter The effecter the effecter