BEDは毛皮の部屋 覚醒されてる HONEY Slow down, Slow up Slow down, Slow up Slow down, Slow... You're on Fire Coolと色情狂 下唇はGlamorous Taste of Scarlet Taste of Scarlet Taste of Red...She's so Lazy 壁際へ手をついて 『Give me Romance』 首輪を外さず 飼い主を探してる HONEY, HONEY, HONEY wants Somebody HONEY, HONEY, HONEY You are Laughter 激痛へ変わる Pleasure アルコール中毒のHONEY Taste of Scarlet Taste of Scarlet Taste of Red!! She's so NASTY TAPE RECORDERからは 『HIGH EXTASY』 愛欲すり切れた 寒気でやられる HONEY, HONEY, HONEY wants Somebody HONEY, HONEY, HONEY HONEY, HONEY, HONEY wants Somebody HONEY, HONEY, HONEY You are Laughter HONEY, HONEY, HONEY You are Laughter HONEY, HONEY, HONEY HONEY, HONEY, HONEY wants Somebody HONEY, HONEY, HONEY You are Laughter