At twenty five thousand miles an hour you're lighting up the sky Hypersonic breakout from your last and future life Relativistic calculations distance time and speed, A conscious and ballistic object, Can you reach escape velocity I will fly my hands become my wings I will fly and rise upon the wind I will fly into the great unknown I will fly and I will find a place I can call home Like the spear of Odin aiming at that unknown place A certainty of purpose makes you think you can escape Escape the ruthless narcissist you know you will become Traveling faster than your thoughts, Can you reach escape velocity I will fly my hands become my wings I will fly and rise upon the wind I will fly into the great unknown I will fly and I will find a place I can call home Leviticus reimagined and rewritten and renamed Restored to full its' potency restored to its' full rage Genetic immunity from the weapons in your hands Weapons for new ritual sacrifice to cleanse a land I will fly my hands become my wings I will fly and rise upon the wind I will fly into the great unknown I will fly and I will find a place I can call home At twenty five thousand miles an hour you're lighting up the sky