Many things happen and go by fast but It's at the end, sometimes I couldn't see my way Cause I'm fighting to keep going So, that I can make it through I'm gonna make it end this journey soon Woah oh Dazzling bright future Make our dreams come true Hope it comes today Wish I could be there I'll make it see you for you End of everyday that just keep coming I feel like my heart kept falling apart in pieces The positive thoughts and words gave me a help Thanks to you Now I have hope, I carved it in my heart I have words that I wanna tell you I have songs that I wanna give to There's another day gonna end, tonight another start soon I have feelings that I wanna tell you I have songs that I wanna sing for All for you and me know it's my turn あなたへ今 溢れる想いを馳せて あなたとなら 明日も越えていけるかな 同じ歩幅で歩んでいても あなたの寂しさ埋めてやれず あなたの涙も強がりな弱音も いつまでも 胸に抱いて Woah oh Dazzling bright future Make our dreams come true Hope it comes today Wish I could be there I'll make it see you for you ちっぽけな悩みでさえ 頭を抱えていた時に あなたはこう言った 「それで良いんだよ」と ならあなたが涙して もし前に進めるのであれば 今そんな歌を送ろう あなたへ今 溢れる想いを馳せて あなたとなら 明日も越えていけるかな (Ah ah-ah-ah) I will be beside you all the time