(Teaming up!) (Kiyo cookin' it's perfect) 俺一人じゃcan’t do so i be Always teaming up 皆んなが狙うゴール競いあい going up 最前線でshottin' We're striker like Blue lock Kiyoと契る勝利 敵潔く失せろ そこらのモドキ Don’t compare cause I’ve been grinding hard Only with the real Ones on my side 俺らspittin fye Team up ok team up (Let's go!) 仲間と制すground 怖いものなんてno I’ve been growing pace On my pace on my pace Until I’m down on the ground But i’ll still be on 知らないmy end On a race with myself Then i gain all this pain so I could go higher We got to be on the same vibe And we rockin till the end Until 夜明けrise Ohh Runnin' till the end Even when i’m down My feeling fallin' 時に挫けそうになって 不安が襲う夜 先行く焦燥 蘇る思い 「get up! don't give up!」 あいつに貰ってたのenergy 知らないうちに 後悔よりもchange it all tonight 見てる空の方 Wishing tonight I can't stop it right now こいつらと高めあいたい だから見えないdownfall tonight I’ve been covering all my thoughts I’ve been in disguise Do it all again oh I’ve been covering all my flaws I’ve been in disguise だけどお前らと会ってからはもう 絶えず We're runnin'打つ鼓動のbeat 繋ぐ 最後の1秒まで 仲間と前へ どんな困難も 一緒に背負う 闇から手伸ばす ひとりでも"孤独"じゃないよ 絶えず We're runnin'打つ鼓動のbeat 繋ぐ 最後の1秒まで 仲間と前へ もうどんな困難も 一緒に背負う 光へ手伸ばす 光に手翳す ひとりでも"孤独"じゃないの I’ve been growing pace On my pace on my pace Until I’m down on the ground But i’ll still be on 知らないmy end On a race with myself Then i gain all this pain so I could go higher We got to be on the same vibe And we rockin till the end Until 夜明けrise Ohh Runnin' till the end Even when i’m down