i stumbled in at 2am all drunk and full of smoke my wife said "i've had enough" that's it, i'm sick, get out!" so i stumbled down to kelly's pub across the edge of town and i told the boys me story and we had another round and we'll drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and fight-yeah! [2x] and if i see a pretty girl i'll sleep with her tonight i'll drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and fight.... and mary McGregor well she was a pretty whore she'd always greet you with a smile and never lock her door but on the day she died i'll admit it sounded weak for mary McGregor finally got some sleep well i once loved a girl a child i'm told i gave her my heart and she gave me a cold so now i sit standing out in the pouring rain i'll stumble back to kelly's pub and cry away me pain