Coming Down

Track by!distain

  • 2014.03.28
  • 4:00


Apocalyptic policies That neglect the environment and diminish the future Because the zealots in power Those ruling are ruled by their faith in the scriptures When the environment takes a backseat to religion Are they serving our interests or just succumbing to fiction? There's no more hope for our future when we're governed by fear Of the political holy men who believe the end is near This is the end The end is here We're all dead Governed by fear Fear of the end Environmental eclipse We're already dead Governing for the apocalypse Their distain for this world Is obvious in the content of their environmental laws They never hear the cries of nature Which are drowned out by the sound of corporate applause They don't seem to realize what's really at stake They can't see the forest for the trees when they're blinded by faith They can't comprehend how much their policies are flawed When they're busy groveling, down on their knees, before god This is the end The end is here We're all dead Governed by fear Fear of the end Environmental eclipse We're already dead Governing for the apocalypse The second coming is coming So there's really no need to take care of the earth They just live for today And bleed the planet for all that it's worth But do they live for today or are they living for death? Do they really feel god breathing down the back of their necks? It's their faith in the end that we'll all live to regret When our children inherit the wasteland that's left This is the end The end is here We're all dead Governed by fear Fear of the end Environmental eclipse We're already dead Governing for the apocalypse


